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Join TELECOM Nancy

164 PLACES AVAILABLE IN 2025 APPLY FOR OUR TRAINING COURSES: Find information on our 2025 recruitment Notice to Bac+2/+3 science students: registrations for admission based on qualifications are open until […]


Conference on the specific challenges of the space sector by EmTroniX

Meeting with Denis Coat, CSO of EmTroniX EmTroniX is an SME and a key player in the space sector in[...]

5th edition of the Cyber Humanum Est exercise

The Nancy Defense Base and Lorraine INP, under the aegis of the Cyber Defense Command (COMCYBER) and the University of[...]

NSI day at TELECOM Nancy

For the third consecutive year, TELECOM Nancy, a leading public engineering school of the University of Lorraine – Lorraine INP[...]

Open house at TELECOM Nancy Saturday March 1, 2025 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

193 avenue Paul Muller in Villers-lès-Nancy (54) Ample free parking on site Cybersecurity, internet, data science, embedded software, web development,[...]

22nd edition of Anim’Est

Anim’Est, the largest student convention in the Grand Est on Japanese culture, organized by students from TELECOM Nancy and Mines[...]

L’UL by Valentin: immerse yourself in the daily life of a TELECOM Nancy engineering student

As part of the ” L’UL BY ” campaign, the University of Lorraine is highlighting its students and their daily[...]

Looking back at the Arcade Algorithms Adventure Game Jam

On October 18 and 20, a team composed of graduates and students from TELECOM Nancy took part in the first[...]

Nancy International TELECOM Week

The first edition of the ” TN International Week ” organized by our International Relations team took place from November[...]

An unprecedented cybersecurity event at the crossroads of two continents

On November 29, 2024, the first Franco-Brazilian CTF (Capture The Flag) dedicated to artificial intelligence applied to cybersecurity brought together[...]

Cybersecurity: Ethical Hacking at TELECOM Nancy with the Proximus Cup

On April 22, TELECOM Nancy co-organized with the company Proximus Luxembourg the “Proximus Cup”: a CTF (Capture The Flag) type[...]

New Alpha Brochure

THE 2024-2025 EDITION HAS JUST RELEASED! Download the Alpha 2024/2025 brochure produced by TELECOM Nancy students for newcomers to discover[...]

TELECOM Nancy opens the first engineering diploma specializing in cybersecurity through FISEA in France

TELECOM Nancy, major engineering school in computer science and digital sciences of theUniversity of Lorraine – Lorraine INP, will open[...]

Prepare your admission to TELECOM Nancy!

Notice to candidates for admission by qualification to TELECOM Nancy Ask your questions continuously on our Discord server! At the[...]

TELECOM Nancy acquires an Airbus cyber range and becomes one of the most polyvalent academic cybersecurity training platforms in Europe

TELECOM Nancy continues to ramp up its technological equipment for its cybersecurity engineering training with the integration of a new[...]

Celebrating 30 years of the alumni association

Saturday September 9, Alisé, the alumni association, celebrated its 30th anniversary! On this occasion, graduates and students from all classes,[...]

TELECOM Nancy cited as a benchmark cyber-security platform in an international book

TELECOM Nancy’s cyber-security platform cited as a reference academic platform in the international book : ” Introduction to the Cyber-Ranges[...]

From TELECOM Nancy to the Elysée

The fabulous destiny of Guillaume Rozier, 2020 graduate, now Advisor to the President of the Republic. This is yet another[...]

TELECOM Nancy, 4th best engineering school

TELECOM Nancy is positioned as the 4th best computer engineering school in the Le Figaro Étudiant ranking! Find all the[...]


A leading European security and digital event Two representatives of our Cybersecurity division , Anne-Laure CRUGNOLA , in charge of[...]

Fresco of the climate: engineering students from TELECOM Nancy made aware of climate change

The fresco of the climate The “Team Cohesion” seminar for first-year engineering students takes place from January 11 to 13;[...]

TELECOM Nancy students in the TOP 5 at the GreHack cybersecurity competition organized at ENSIMAG!

GreHack is a cybersecurity competition organized by Sécurimag, the Ensimag security club, whose tenth edition was held on November 18[...]

TELECOM Nancy Open House

Open doors at TELECOM Nancy on Saturday February 4, 2023 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 193 avenue Paul Muller[...]