
Celebrating 30 years of the alumni association

Saturday September 9, Alisé, the alumni association, celebrated its 30th anniversary!

On this occasion, graduates and students from all classes, from 1993 to 2026, came to celebrate Alisé’s birthday and, for some, (re)discover the premises of the school which until 2007 was located in the undergraduate building of the Faculty of Science and Technology in Vandoeuvre. A busy day awaited them: in the morning, a guided tour of the school and its platforms then in the afternoon, many fun and festive activities imagined by the alumni: quizzes, cyber escape game, maid café, room laser, bamboo towers, DDR, blind CSS, etc.

TELECOM Nancy students also had the opportunity to network with graduates ready to provide them with valuable advice.
The day concluded with a meal, hosted by the school’s music club, bringing together around a hundred guests at the Jean Ferrat room in Villers-lès-Nancy.

​​​​Congratulations to the entire Alisé team for this great organization and once again, happy birthday!

This celebration is also an opportunity to salute the engineers of TELECOM Nancy / ESIAL who have been involved since 1993 in keeping the alumni network alive, supporting the school and supporting current students; well done and thank you to everyone!

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