Site of the Grand Est region: https://www.grandest.fr/
Site of the Departmental Council of Meurthe-et-Moselle: http://www.meurthe-et-moselle.fr/
Grand Nancy website: http://www.grand-nancy.org
Site of the city of Nancy: http://www1.nancy.fr/portail/
Site of the city of Villers-lès-Nancy: http://www.villers-les-nancy.fr
Site of the city of Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy: http://www.mairie-vandoeuvre.fr
Nancy, one of the favorite cities for students!

University city par excellence, Nancy has 51,000 students (i.e. 1 inhabitant in 6!) And offers all the services
and activities related to student life.
Located just 1.5 hours from Paris by TGV, the city is renowned for its famous Place Stanislas and its 18th century architectural ensemble, classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
In June 2020, Nancy was ranked 6th best student city by Le Figaro Etudiant – Discover the ranking .
Walk around the TELECOM Nancy building at 360 °
Discover our reception hall, the teaching rooms, the Amphitheatres, the technological platforms, the médialab, the cafeteria and its terrace, the spaces dedicated to student life, the neighboring Remicourt park and the many green spaces, etc.
TELECOM Nancy is located on the Scientifique Aiguillettes university campus in Villers-lès-Nancy . The city center of Nancy is about fifteen minutes by tram.
The school building, inaugurated on June 30, 2007, received its first students at the start of the 2007 school year.
This 6,900 m² building is the result of funding of 9 million Euros . Funding of 0.75 million Euros enabled the first equipment. The project was co-financed, by third parties, by the General Council of Meurthe-et-Moselle (delegated contracting authority), the Regional Council of Lorraine and the State (contracting authority) with additional funding from the Urban Community of Greater Nancy. We should also note the purchase by the University Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1 (University of Lorraine) of the land allowing this operation for an amount of more than 1.2 million Euros.
The building was designed by architects Alain Casari and Thierry Mercier.
Until June 2007, TELECOM Nancy was hosted in the premises of the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Vandeuvre (Campus Scientifique Victor Grignard), TELECOM Nancy only had 1500 m² to accommodate its educational and administrative activities.
- 1997 : Preliminary project for the construction of a clean building for TELECOM Nancy.
- June 1998 : First official file (Real Estate Logistics) within the framework of the preparation of the State-region plan 2000-2006. Planning for a building of nearly 7000 m² useful.
- June 2000 : Second official file (Expertise file) which should be the basis for negotiations with the ministry and which provides for a building of 5000 m² useful. The funding is estimated at over 10 million Euros, value 2000 and equipment included
- April 2001 : Return of the expertise of the ministry. It is granted a building of 5000 m² (unspecified) and a financing of 9.15 million Euros including 0.15 million Euros for the redevelopment of the vacated premises.
- July 2002 : Functional and technical program. It provides for a building of 4400 m² useful under the above financing.
- January 2003 : Designation of the winner of the architectural competition (winner: CASARI – MERCIER Architects / AC Ingénierie Lorraine Bureau d’Études). The quality of the project completely satisfies future users.
- September 2003 : Redefinition of the project to meet budgetary constraints. The useful surface is reduced to 4150 m².
- June 2004 : Start of works, preparation of the land.
- End of 2004 : Obtaining the building permit. Completion of the business consultation file and award of contracts.
- March 15, 2005 : Laying of the first stone and effective start of work.
- June 2007 : Move in.
- June-July 2007 : Reception of candidates for the oral examinations in the new premises.
- June 30, 2007 : Official inauguration of the building.
- September 2007 : first entry into the new building.

The building is located on avenue Paul Muller in Villers-lès-Nancy. This location is on the former site of the Nancy School of Architecture. A desire to remain integrated into the campus and close to the research laboratories motivated this choice of location.
Some views of the TELECOM Nancy building

Cette image donne une vue d’ensemble du bâtiment avec sa forme caractéristique en Y choisie pour des raisons esthétiques mais aussi techniques (optimisation des câblages informatiques, téléphoniques, …).Au fond de l’image se dessine l’avenue Paul Muller et son rideau d’arbres centenaires.
A droite au fond et en 1er plan les parkings élèves (largement dimensionnés).
A gauche au fond, ceux des personnels et visiteurs.

Cette image donne un apreçu du bâtiment avec son imposante rampe d’accès
Some additional photos of the building
Project partners
- Rectorat, co-financeur, au titre de l’Etat, pour un tiers de l’opération et maître d’ouvrage du bâtiment
- Région lorraine, co-financeur pour un tiers de l’opération
- Conseil Général,co-financeur pour un tiers de l’opération et maître d’ouvrage délégué
- CUGN,financement complémentaire
- Villers-lès-Nancy : ville d’accueil du bâtiment
- Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy : ville d’accueil des anciens locaux et d’une grande partie du Campus Aiguillettes
- Université de Lorraine
- Casari-Mercier Architectes Cabinet d’architectes de la maîtrise d’oeuvre
- AC Ingénierie Lorraine Bureau d’études, Bureau d’études de la maîtrise d’oeuvre
- Solorem, Conducteur d’opération dans la construction du bâtiment