

TELECOM Nancy’s vocation (engineer in information technology) is designed to coincide perfectly with company demands with regard to the initial training of executives.

The educational objectives, in accordance with the progress made in research and the ever increasing requirements in business environments, are defined within an educational council comprised of teachers and professionals.

The TELECOM Nancy engineer, acting as a team manager creating the interface between high-tech equipment and demanding users, constitute a highly sought-after profile. Moreover, the generalised and scientific training acquired at TELECOM Nancy opens up a wide range of managerial careers to these engineers, going far beyond their initial specialisation.

Average search time for a first job: 15 days

Average gross annual salary for a 1st job: 39,750 Euros

On average, 30 % of graduates find their 1st job abroad

Main positions held :


  • Tools 
  • Systems 
  • Networks
  • Telecommunications


  • Software
  • Networks – Telecommunications
  • Information Systems


  • Design
  • Software 
  • Systems 
  • Networks 
  • Research & Development


  • Information Systems 
  • IT Security 
  • Exploitation

Project Manager
Designer / Developer / Integrator