The school


TELECOM Nancy – Université de Lorraine

193, avenue Paul Muller – 54600 Villers-lès-Nancy, France
Tel. +33 (0)3 72 74 59 00


Director : Pierre-Etienne MOREAU
Deputy Director : Gérald OSTER

General Secretary : Cathy LETT

Assistant : Marine BERGISTE

Phone: +33 (0)3 72 74 59 01

Direction of Studies

Director: Suzanne COLLIN
Secretariat: Laure ALCAINA, Isabelle CHENET, Carole ROUSSEAU

Tel: +33 (0)3 72 74 59 10


Financial Department

Manager: Caroline STENGER

External Relations

Responsible: Anne-Laure CRUGNOLA
Responsible for missions : Anne DREVET
Secretariat for industrial projects and internships: Brigitte THOMASSIN
Secretariat, Alumni Relations: Isabelle CHENET

Tel: +33 (0)3 72 74 59 31

Contact :

Communication officer: Marie STEIN-LANOT
Communication assistant : Laurine MORIZE

IT Department

Manager: Christophe BOUTHIER
Engineer: Cyril LAMY
Apprentice: Jarod DUVOUX

General Services

Reception: Isabelle CHENET, Michèle TARTARY
Technicians : Etienne HAUSWALD, James GREENWOOD

International Relations

Manager: Hervé PANETTO
Project manager : Angélique Dubuisson
Tel: +33 (0)3 72 74 59 64

Admissions and recruitment

Managers: Pierre-Etienne MOREAU

Secretariat: Laure ALCAINA, Isabelle CHENET
Tel: +33 (0)3 72 74 59 12


Coordinator: Muriel DUVAL

1st year
Head of core curriculum: Van Phuc DO
In charge of internships: Anne-Claire HEURTEL

2nd year
Head of core curriculum: Sébastien DA SILVA
In charge of internships: Moufida MAIMOUR
Head of PIDR: Jean-François SCHEID

3rd year
Responsible for the Common Core : Gérald OSTER
Responsible for industrial projects: Anne-Laure CRUGNOLA
In charge of internships: Olivier FESTOR
Responsible for the seminar “Investing in your active life”: Zahra RONDEAU

Responsible for the 2nd and 3rd year deepening courses

Software engineering: François CHAROY
Artificial Intelligence and Data Masses: Sabeur ARIDHI
Embedded Systems and Software : Vincent BOMBARDIER
Enterprise Information Systems: Hervé PANETTO
Internet, Systems and Security: Rémi BADONNEL


Manager: Zahra RONDEAU
Company relations and career advisor: Anne DREVET
Company projects: Thibault CHOLEZ
Secretariat: Laure ALCAINA
Tel: +33 (0)3 72 74 59 12