The school


Welcome to TELECOM Nancy!

Public School of Engineering within the Université de Lorraine (Lorraine University), TELECOM Nancy (School of Engineering in Information Technology) issues a degree recognised by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI – Engineer Qualification Committee). TELECOM Nancy is a school associated to the Institut Mines-Télécom.

Over a 3-year period, it trains engineers in IT and digital sciences and technologies.
Recruitment takes places as from BAC + 2, equivalent to 2 years of post A-Level study (main recruitment – enrolment into the 1st year) and BAC + 4, equivalent to a post-graduate degree (enrolment into the 2nd year).
TELECOM Nancy is a school supporting the Concours Mines-Télécom competitive examination, a member of the Banque Mines-Ponts for the recruitment of CPGE MP, PC and PSI, the Banque PT for the recruitment of CPGE PT and the Centrale Supélec competitive examination for the recruitment of CPGE TSI.

This is a 3-year course comprising:

  • 3 semesters of general curriculum including fundamental sciences, technology, economic, social and human sciences as well as foreign languages.
  • 3 semesters in a specialized Major.

Each year is validated by an internship within a company.

5 Majors are offered to students from the 2nd year of study:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
  • Embedded Software
  • Enterprise Information Systems
  • Internet Systems and Security
  • Software Engineering

The School of Engineering in Information Technology (first known as ESIAL – “École Supérieure d’Informatique et Applications de Lorraine”) is a public school of engineering created in 1990 within the Université de Lorraine (Lorraine University). TELECOM Nancy is a school associated to the Institut Mines-Télécom. It is the only school of generalised engineering studies in IT and digital sciences and technologies accredited by the Commission des Titres de l’Ingénieur (CTI – Engineer Qualification Committee) in the Greater East of France.

Europe, the World…
The international aspect is an essential development in engineering professions, which is why TELECOM Nancy is committed to a process for developing its International Relations.
The school therefore encourages both the academic and professional mobility of its students as this provides the latter not only with an enriching human experience but also represents an essential asset for a professional future.

TELECOM Nancy also promotes the arrival of foreign students, in particular by dividing the course into semesters, via the credit transfer system (ECTS), lessons in French as a foreign language and teaching modules conducted in English, etc. A very special welcome is reserved for foreign students with a visit of Nancy and the Campus. This welcome acts as an encouragement with regard student integration in all its forms (cultural, social and linguistic).

Finally, TELECOM Nancy is looking to further develop its partnerships with companies abroad. In order to achieve this, it proposes various types of collaboration: final year industrial projects, internships, etc.