The school


TELECOM Nancy, created by Decree No. 90-741 dated 9 August 1990, is a school of engineering, as described by articles L 713-1 and L 713-9 of the French Education Code, a component of the Université de Lorraine (Lorraine University).

The School is governed by a Governing Board comprising 31 members the Chairman of which is Mr Fabrice CROISEAUX, CEO of InTech SA.

TELECOM Nancy is supported on an educational level by a development board comprised of 27 members (List of the TELECOM Nancy Development Board members – in French), the chairman of which is Mr Jean-Louis PIERREL, University Relations Manager at IBM France.

The school is managed by a Director appointed for a term of 5 years.

The current Director is Mr Olivier FESTOR, assisted by one Assistant Director, Mr Jean-Marie MOUREAUX and one Head of Studies, Mrs Suzanne COLLIN.