

You can send your internship offers for TELECOM Nancy to or you ca use this form.

The executives trained by TELECOM Nancy are required to assimilate the company’s issues.
The knowledge acquired during the training is validated by internships in a professional environment (1,000 hours of internship for 3,500 hours of training and 350 companies in association with the School).
During the course, each student develops projects in connection with the economic world. In return, the professionals make their skills available to future engineers in various sectors.

  • 1st year internship

“Operator” internship lasting 4 to 8 weeks, beginning in June
As a worker, this internship aims to help the student discover the company via working as an operator, and enables certain aspects of business life to be observed, in particular the organisation, communication and management aspects.
Manager: Anne-Claire HEURTEL

  • 2nd year internship

“Technician” internship lasting 8 to 12 weeks, beginning in June
This internship must enable the student engineers to discover and practice the techniques and tools used in the professions involving IT and industrial production, in addition to confronting the associated time, economic and human restrictions.
Manager: Moufida Maimour

  • 3rd year internship

“Engineer” internship lasting 6 months, beginning in March
The objective of this internship is to “prepare” the students for integration into the professional world; the internship is an essential way of bringing together the knowledge acquired during the university course with the company know-how. This practical training module represents a real opportunity for the student, submerged in an industrial environment, to acquire a business culture and demonstrate that he/she has the skills and technical, scientific and human bases required to perform his/her future role as an engineer.

–  Manager : Olivier FESTOR
–  Specialization IAMD (Artificial Intelligence and Big Data) : Sabeur ARIDHI
– Specialization IL (Software Engineering) : François CHAROY
– Specialization ISS (Internet Systems and Security) : Rémi BADONNEL
– Specialization LE (Embedded Software) : Vincent BOMBARDIER
– Specialization SIE (Enterprise Information Systems) : Hervé PANETTO