

Human means

Training is conducted by 34 employed teachers and more than 60 external lecturers, most of which undertake research activities within three inter-university laboratories associated with the INRIA and/or CNRS (French public research bodies):

  • the LORIA (Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications – Computer Research and Applications Laboratory in Lorraine)
  • the CRAN (Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy – Nancy Centre for Research into Robotics)
  • the IECN (Institut Elie Cartan de Nancy – mathématiques – Elie Cartan Mathematics Institute of Nancy)

A part of the training programme is also conducted by professionals in the form of lectures, conferences, seminars and within the scope of industrial projects. 

Material means

TELECOM Nancy has a network of top of the range servers associated with high tech software. This computer cluster represents an investment of several tens of thousands of euros. The rooms are renewed at least every 3 years.

  • The computer rooms are fitted with PCs with flat screens
  • TCP/IP 100 Mb/s ethernet network
  • Internet connection via Stannet network (2 Gb/s) and Renater national network
  • LINUX, Windows servers
  • 250 PC workstations using LINUX and Windows
  • Specific equipment for networking projects
  • Full-time access to the e-mailing system
  • WIFI access points
  • High-tech software and languages

Within the AIPL (Atelier Inter-établissement de Productique de Lorraine – Lorraine Inter-Establishment Production Engineering Workshop), TELECOM Nancy provides students with access to equipment and software covering all fields of computer-integrated manufacturing.