An exceptional research environment
Computing and automation are omnipresent in the Nancy community.
The LORIA, INRIA, CRAN and IECL are home to several hundred researchers, grouping together mathematicians, computer engineers and automation engineers in their research.
In these disciplines, an average of 50 theses are written each year.
Joint projects cover these different fields of activity. These organisms create a synergy between fundamental research and the transformation of research results, the distribution and the transfer of knowledge.
The Study / Research interface
TELECOM Nancy is looking to promote training for and via research using the required institutional and logistics means to achieve this. The school’s research professors on staff undertake all research activities within the laboratories associated with the University of Lorraine and the CNRS (LORIA, CRAN, IECN) and in part work on joint projects with the INRIA. All of the subjects taught relate directly to the progress made through international research, this being a fundamental issue for construction disciplines such as information technology and its applications.
LORIA (Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications – Computer Research and Applications Laboratory in Lorraine)
The LORIA is a Joint Research Unit – UMR 7503 – shared by several institutions: CNRS, INRIA and Université de Lorraine. The LORIA is a member of the Charles Hermite Federation which groups together the 3 main research labs in Mathematics, in Information and Communication Sciences.
The laboratory is structured in 5 departments :
- Algorithms, Computation, Image & Geometry
- Formal methods
- Networks, Systems and Services
- Knowledge & Language Management
- Complex Systems & Artificial intelligence

INRIA Nancy Grand Est (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique – French National Research Institute for IT and Robotics)
INRIA Nancy Grand Est is one of eight research facilities of the French National Research Institute for IT and Robotics.
The laboratory focuses its research in 5 main fields:
- Digital Health, Biology and Earth
- Applied Mathematics, Computation and Simulation
- Perception, Cognition & Interaction
- Networks, systems and services, distributed computing
- Algorithmics, Programming, Software and Architecture

CRAN (Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy – Research Centre for Automatic Control)
The CRAN is a Joint Research Unit – UMR 7039 – shared by several institutions: CNRS and Université de Lorraine. The CRAN is a member of the Charles Hermite Federation.
The laboratory comprises 5 research themes:
- Automation, control and observation of systems
- Identification, restoration, imagery and signals
- Operating safety and system diagnoses
- Engineering for health
- Ambient production systems
In addition to the facilities owned by the CRAN, a significant number of researchers from this laboratory teach at TELECOM Nancy, based on the AIPL (Lorraine inter-establishment production engineering workshop).

IECL (Institut de Mathématiques Elie Cartan de Lorraine – Elie Cartan Mathematics Institute of Lorraine)
The IECL is a Joint Research Unit – UMR 7502 – shared by several institutions: CNRS, INRIA, and Université de Lorraine. The IECL is a member of the Charles Hermite Federation.
The laboratory comprises 4 research themes:
- Analysis
- Geometry
- Partial differential equations
- Probability & Statistics

AIPL (Atelier Inter-établissement de Productique Lorrain – Lorraine Inter-Establishment Production Engineering Workshop), resource centre for the AIP-PRIMECA network
The Lorraine AIP-PRIMECA is a regional educational resource centre in the field of industry, used by regional training facilities (initial or further education) in production engineering and computer-aided mechanical design. It promotes the transfer of knowledge to businesses.
5 centres of activity are offered:
- Computer Aided Design (CAD)
- Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
- Automation and Production Engineering
- Industrial Computing and Networks
- Production Management and Computer-Aided Production Systems

The Charles Hermite Federation is the largest Research Federation in Lorraine. It comprises approximately 710 people, including 250 doctoral students and post-doctoral students, 280 research professors, approximately twenty CNRS researchers, approximately fifty INRIA researchers and 110 administrative and technical agents, which places Lorraine in 5th place for French national university centres for Mathematics-ICT.
The research areas developed within the scope of the Federation are:
- Surveillance, security and safety of major systems
- Geometry, visualisation and scientific calculation
- Analysis, optimisation and control
- Models and algorithms for life sciences
- Interoperability of heterogeneous distributed systems
- Algorithmics and combinatorics
- Structures and fundamental tools
The laboratories of the Federation are the LORIA, CRAN, IECL .