The school


Two solutions are available to students looking to study at TELECOM Nancy: 

 1) Either a ” CLASSIC” ADMISSION within the scope of a full course at TELECOM Nancy : TELECOM Nancy recruits students with the BAC+2 ( 2 years of post A-level study ) for admission into the 1st year of study :

  • Based on the TELECOM Nancy oral and Mines-Télécom competitive examination:

​    – CPGE MP, PC, PSI: Banque Mines-Ponts

    – CPGE PT: Banque PT

    – CPGE TSI: Concours Centrale Supélec

    – CPGE ATS: Concours Ensea

  • Based on the TELECOM Nancy oral and student file:

    – L2/L3, BUT, scientific BTS

    – CPP – La Prépa des INP

Admission into the 2nd year according to qualifications obtained is possible for students possessing a BAC+4 (postgraduate degree) in science > based on the student file + TELECOM Nancy oral.

For further information:

 2) Or an INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY course with a variable duration, within the scope of an agreement between the home institution and TELECOM Nancy or the Lorraine University. This mobility can take place via a programme such as ERASMUS or CREPUQ for example. 

In the absence of any agreement with TELECOM Nancy or the Lorraine University, a request can be made to the international relations department of the home institution, which will enter into contact with that of the TELECOM Nancy.