Community life and clubs
TELECOM Nancy is a school conducive to human relations and the development of each individual. The extracurricular life is rich, diversified, and resolutely turned towards others, allowing students to develop their aptitudes to better invest in their future as engineers.
Find out more about student life at TELECOM Nancy at
- CETEN (Cercle des Elèves de TELECOM Nancy),
- Anim’Est
- Télécom Nancy Services (Junior enterprise)
- the Sports Office
- Humani’TN
- EcoleNonEcole (martial arts)
- Alisé, the TELECOM Nancy alumni association
- As well as some forty clubs in all areas managed by CETEN.
- Anim’EST
- French Robotics Cup
- The Night of Information
- Hacktoberfest
- Google Hash Code
- TELECOM Nancy Gala
- Inter Telecom Tournament
- Integration Weekend
- Inter-Group Games …
Download the Alpha 2020/2021 brochure created by TELECOM Nancy students for newcomers to discover in detail the associative life and the different clubs of the school’s students.
Do you have questions about your move to Nancy?
life in the school or any other point concerning student life?
Ask your questions on the Admissibles 2021 Facebook page and our students will answer you as soon as possible!
This is the association managed by the BDE (Bureau Des Elèves) and is responsible for the smooth running of the association, activities and relations with the outside world.
The 11 members of the TELECOM Nancy BDE are elected by and for the students.
The BDE is in charge of providing services to students (by giving them discounts at the association’s partners: bank, real estate agency, mutual insurance company, etc.), animating school life, developing and supporting community life (by giving TELECOM Nancy students the possibility of joining nearly thirty clubs), and developing the school spirit.
CETEN actively participates in student events in Nancy, but also creates numerous events within the school.
Anim’Est is the organizing association of the convention of the same name.
The association is composed of about thirty members, all student-engineers from TELECOM Nancy and the Ecole des Mines de Nancy.
“Anim’est” was created by a group of students from the Ecole des Mines de Nancy in 2003, joined by those from TELECOM Nancy the following year.
Anim’Est is a convention on the theme of Japanese culture that has been held every year since 2003 in Nancy, usually in November.
Probably the biggest convention in Eastern France on the theme of manga, anime (hence its name) and more generally of Japan, Anim’Est is also one of the biggest conventions in the province on these themes while keeping a very friendly image.
More information on
The Bureau des Sports is an association that brings together TELECOM Nancy students with the aim of managing sports activities within the school.
The BDS also organizes university competitions or inter-school tournaments by collecting team registrations…
Mail :
Humani’TN, an international solidarity association created in 2019 by TELECOM Nancy students, aims to help people in need around the world through various means, in particular by raising funds and sending volunteers.
HUMANI’TN mainly supports its partner association, Ptea Clara, as well as the association Shakti Nepal.
Its motivation is to carry out missions to help the development of education, health and the preservation of the environment.
Useful links and contacts of the association :
Mail contact :
Website :
TELECOM Nancy Services is a non-profit association according to the French law 1901 acting as a service provider in the field of IT and its applications.
It is administered by a team of 12 TELECOM Nancy student engineers and counts more than fifty active members.
The association enables students to undertake projects on a professional scale and offers specific training programmes.
TELECOM Nancy Services meets the needs of companies, public bodies and even associations in fields including:
• the administration of computer systems and networks (Unix, Linux and Windows),
• the administration and design of databases and websites (PHP, MySql, Oracle, Access),
• technical installation and maintenance.
For further information on TELECOM Nancy Services:
TELECOM Nancy Services
193, avenue Paul Muller
BP 90172
54602 Villers-lès-Nancy Cedex, France
Tel.: +33 (0)3 72 74 59 29