
TELECOM Nancy students in the TOP 5 at the GreHack cybersecurity competition organized at ENSIMAG!

GreHack is a cybersecurity competition organized by Sécurimag, the Ensimag security club, whose tenth edition was held on November 18 and 19 in Grenoble. It includes a conference with experts in the field, and a CTF (Capture-The-Flag) type competition, the objective of which is to find and exploit the maximum number of flaws in a deliberately vulnerable computer system, to recover ” flags” which are proof of success in these cyber challenges.

The team was made up of our students: Thibault CHENEVIERE, Malo DAMIEN, Ugo GOSSO, Hugo RAPS and Tristan SMAGGHE, as well as 3 people from the company i-Tracing (2 of them are former students of TELECOM Nancy : George AMOSSE and Alexis EL MRINI). She was ranked 4th with 2005 points out of 34 registered teams.

Congratulations to the team for these excellent results!


TELECOM Nancy trains engineers in computer science and digital sciences in three years and offers a specialization in cyber-security entitled ” Internet Systems and Security “.

The school is a member of the CONCORDIA European consortium of excellence in cyber-security and of the European cyber-security skills alliance Erasmus+ REWIRE, and participates in the cyber-reservist center in collaboration with the Ministry of the Armed Forces.

Equipped with state-of-the-art technological equipment including a professional cyber-range and supported by the expertise of its teacher-researchers and its partner companies, TELECOM Nancy now offers a unique cyber-security training offer in the Grand Est and responds to a critical need: the global shortage of cybersecurity experts.

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