
TELECOM Nancy opens the first engineering diploma specializing in cybersecurity through FISEA in France

TELECOM Nancy, major engineering school in computer science and digital sciences of theUniversity of LorraineLorraine INP, will open at the start of the 2024 school year, in partnership with theITII LorraineUIMM Lorraine training center, a specialty engineering training in a new format in France for cybersecurity: the “FISEA” with a 1st year at school under student status, then the 2nd and 3rd years alternating school/company under apprentice status. On this occasion, the school, a partner of the Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT), joins the IMT Alternance platform for recruitment on its apprenticeship courses.

A brand new path in France for training cyber engineers

With its expertise in cybersecurity for more than 10 years, TELECOM Nancy will deliver France’s first cybersecurity specialty engineer diploma in FISEA format (Initial Training under Student then Apprentice Status) authorized by the CTI (Commission for Engineering Titles) . The first class of FISEA cyber engineers will join the school at the start of the 2024 school year.
In a context of constantly increasing threats and a global shortage of specialized executives, this training, authorized by the Commission for Engineering Qualifications in April 2023, benefits from the support of the Grand Est Region, the Greater Nancy Metropolis, the UIMM and more than fifty companies in the field.

The FISEA route is:

  • the 1st year full-time at school to acquire scientific and technical fundamentals,
  • the 2nd and 3rd years work-study in a company to develop strong operational skills in cybersecurity while benefiting from progressive immersion in the business world, an employment contract and remuneration as well as recognition of professional experience for the young graduate.

Objective: train experts who are quickly operational

“The need for cybersecurity engineers is enormous in companies and in all fields: defense of course but also health, industry, banks, etc. all sectors of activity are affected and are looking for these skills. Furthermore, there are not enough trained professionals!
It is in this context that the TELECOM Nancy teaching team, rich in experience and recognition, worked on a new path through learning in cybersecurity, in particular according to FISEA methods.”
explains Prof. Rémi Badonnel, teacher responsible for the Cybersecurity center at TELECOM Nancy and researcher at Loria / Inria Nancy Grand Est.

“This new course makes it possible to train specialized cybersecurity engineers with strong scientific and technical fundamentals required by the field, while being quickly operational in companies through a work-study program.”

The training is based on the excellence of the teacher-researchers and the school’s industrial and institutional partners (research laboratories, Ministry of the Armed Forces, etc.) but also on a leading cybersecurity training platform integrating among other things, rooms red team (offensive) and blue team (defensive) and two professional-level cyber ranges (Diateam and Airbus Defense and Space cyber). Already cited as a reference academic platform at the international level, the latter will further gain momentum in the coming weeks to support the development of FISEA.

Excellent training for passionate students

With current events strongly marked by cyberattacks (phishing campaigns, attacks on hospital services, hybrid warfare in Ukraine, etc.), the general public has become aware of the challenges of cybersecurity and the specialty is increasingly attracting young people.
For Rémi Badonnel: “This new training is aimed at students who have a real taste for cybersecurity. Within our school, we are seeing a growing interest among our students in the theme. Some of them do not hesitate to get involved beyond their study time in the hacking club or in the organization of cyber events.
In addition to providing them with all the knowledge and skills for cyber, we make our students aware of the notion of ethics, even more essential when we talk about security. Our goal is to train responsible engineers.”

For the 2024 school year, 12 places (and up to 24 places in the medium term) will be offered to candidates from these courses:

  • BUT 2/3, Licenses 2/3 or BTS with a strong component in IT or cybersecurity
  • The INP Preparation,
  • Preparatory Classes for Grandes Écoles, Integrated Preparations.

Recruitment is based on application + professional and technical oral test.
Registrations are open from February 1 to March 12, 2024 on

TELECOM Nancy, major player in cybersecurity training

With this new diploma, TELECOM Nancy strengthens its position as a major player in cybersecurity training: engineering diploma under FISE (student), FISA (apprentice), FISEA (student and apprentice) status or professionalization contract, French-speaking MOOCs and European, opening courses for other training, etc.
In addition, the school organizes, co-organizes and participates in numerous specialized or cybersecurity awareness events: annual CTF (Capture The Flag) challenges, cyber escape game, cyber war game, hackathons on best practices, etc. Its students regularly place in the top 5 of the biggest competitions.

TELECOM Nancy now offers a unique cybersecurity training offer in the Grand Est .

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