
Euro-Information opens the “Investing your active life” seminar for TELECOM Nancy engineering students

From October 10 to 14, 2022 at Fort Pelissier in Bainville-sur-Madon, TELECOM Nancy, a major engineering school in computer science and digital sciences, is organizing its traditional seminar “Investing your active life” for its final-year engineering students with the participation, in particular, of Euro-Information, a technological subsidiary of Crédit Mutuel, sponsor of the school’s class of 2023.

Euro-Information and TELECOM Nancy have been working together for more than 20 years and had reaffirmed their collaboration in May 2021 with the sponsorship of the incoming promotion by Euro-Information , represented by Hervé Dumortier, head of the IT department of Real Estate Activities and graduate of TELECOM Nancy from the promotion of 1993 .
Accompanied by 7 collaborators, all graduates of TELECOM Nancy (!), H. Dumortier thus finds his godchildren during the seminar organized by the school, to work on their professional project during personal development workshops, round tables and interview simulations.

This week intended for future graduates to “Invest their active life” opened on October 10 with Sponsor Day with the program: an IT Security challenge and an “adventure mission” within Fort Pelissier offered by the company .

This day of discussions and training is fully in line with the three years of specific support for its godchildren by the sponsor. They will then officially meet one last time at the time of the graduation ceremony, in November 2023.

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