A cyber-security training range for TELECOM Nancy

On September 24, 2019, TELECOM Nancy, a great school of engineers in computer science and digital sciences of Lorraine INP – University of Lorraine, founding member of the Institut Mines-Télécom Grand Est and member of the European H2020 Concordia project, inaugurated its platform Cyber-security training “ cyber-range ”. The event took place in the presence, in particular, of François Werner, Vice-President Grand-Est Region, Coordination of European policies, Higher education and Research, Colonel Ohrenstein, Commander of the Defense Base of Nancy and engineering students from the “Internet Systems and Security” (ISS) branch of the school.
Since 2017, as part of its ISS specialty, TELECOM Nancy has set up a first-rate technological platform made up of two practical work rooms (red team, blue team) with 50 workstations in total and one room servers that it develops and updates regularly. The cyber-range (digital shooting range) with which the school is now equipped is co-financed by the PACTE Grand Est region project and represents an investment of over 200 K €. It supplements and considerably increases the possibilities offered by TELECOM Nancy’s infrastructures for cybersecurity training.
This cyber-range developed by the company DIATEAM , makes it possible to build, deploy and experiment with realistic and complex IT infrastructures (company networks, industrial networks, Internet of Things), from which various attack scenarios are simulated and analyzed and defense. This is state-of-the-art equipment that is still mostly found in the defense sector.
This professional tool will be implemented from the start of the 2019 academic year in TELECOM Nancy training courses. It is also part of the Nancy cyber-reservists center and the H2020 CONCORDIA European network of skills in cyber-security, in which the school participates.
With this equipment and supported by the expertise of its teacher-researchers, TELECOM Nancy now offers a cyber-security training offer that is unique in the Grand Est.
It thus responds to a crucial need: the global shortage of cyber-security experts (1.8 million unfilled positions by 2022 according to Gartner), even though the financial damage from cyber-attacks is in full swing. progression for companies in all sectors.