Projects and platforms
A cyber-security training range for TELECOM Nancy

On September 24, 2019, TELECOM Nancy, a great school of engineers in computer science and digital sciences of Lorraine INP – University of Lorraine, founding member of the Institut Mines-Télécom Grand Est and member of the European H2020 Concordia project, inaugurated its platform Cyber-security training “ cyber-range ”. The event took place in the presence, in particular, of François Werner, Vice-President Grand-Est Region, Coordination of European policies, Higher education and Research, Colonel Ohrenstein, Commander of the Defense Base of Nancy and engineering students from the “Internet Systems and Security” (ISS) branch of the school.
Since 2017, as part of its ISS specialty, TELECOM Nancy has set up a first-rate technological platform made up of two practical work rooms (red team, blue team) with 50 workstations in total and one room servers that it develops and updates regularly. The cyber-range (digital shooting range) with which the school is now equipped is co-financed by the PACTE Grand Est region project and represents an investment of over 200 K €. It supplements and considerably increases the possibilities offered by TELECOM Nancy’s infrastructures for cybersecurity training.
This cyber-range developed by the company DIATEAM , makes it possible to build, deploy and experiment with realistic and complex IT infrastructures (company networks, industrial networks, Internet of Things), from which various attack scenarios are simulated and analyzed and defense. This is state-of-the-art equipment that is still mostly found in the defense sector.
This professional tool will be implemented from the start of the 2019 academic year in TELECOM Nancy training courses. It is also part of the Nancy cyber-reservists center and the H2020 CONCORDIA European network of skills in cyber-security, in which the school participates.
With this equipment and supported by the expertise of its teacher-researchers, TELECOM Nancy now offers a cyber-security training offer that is unique in the Grand Est.
It thus responds to a crucial need: the global shortage of cyber-security experts (1.8 million unfilled positions by 2022 according to Gartner), even though the financial damage from cyber-attacks is in full swing. progression for companies in all sectors.
From May 13 to 17, 2019, a week of lectures and conferences entitled “Neurosciences, neuro-oncology and digital” took place at TELECOM Nancy, a great school of engineers in computer science and digital sciences of Lorraine INP – University of Lorraine.
Two other editions followed: from January 27 to 31, 2020 and from January 25 to 29, 2021.

Feedback on the “Neurosciences, neuro-oncology and digital” week of 2019
This training, delivered by doctors and researchers who are experts in the brain and its tumors as well as digital medical imaging, was aimed at TELECOM Nancy engineering students in the “Artificial Intelligence and Mass of Data” deepening (course Biomedical) and to medical students as well as to students of Télécom Physique Strasbourg. It is part of the Digital Health project carried by TELECOM Nancy in the Pacte grandes écoles of the Grand Est Region and the IMT Grand Est in partnership with the CRAN, IECL, the CHRU of Nancy, the Faculty of Medicine de Nancy, the Nancy School of Surgery and the ARTC.
During this week of training, students were able to acquire basic knowledge about the brain, its main pathologies and their treatments. At the same time, through theoretical training and experimentation, they learned to implement the digital tools necessary for the collection and analysis of data which ultimately allow the doctor to define the best strategy for the treatment of the patient. For example, they segmented brain tumors and manipulated a BrainMapper, software developed by students from TELECOM Nancy making it possible to map the brain.
E-health is one of the areas of excellence of TELECOM Nancy, which has been developing this theme for many years under the leadership of Jean-Marie Moureaux, Deputy Director, in particular within the framework of our living lab “PROMETEE” dedicated to images and medical video.

Interview with Jean-Marie Moureaux, Deputy Director of TELECOM Nancy
Jean-Marie Moureaux, you are the co-organizer of this “Neurosciences, neuro-oncology and digital” week, can you tell us why this training was organized and what were the objectives?
A few years ago, as part of my research activities at CRAN, I co-built, with Prof. Luc Taillandier (CHRU-CRAN), a multidisciplinary team around brain tumors with doctors (Dr Marie Blonski and Dr Fabien Rech, CHRU-CRAN) and future doctors (Tiphaine Obara), researchers in image processing (Yann Gaudeau, University of Strasbourg, CRAN) and in mathematics (Sophie Mézières, IECL), as well as engineers in digital sciences (Amine Chaabouni, TELECOM Nancy). This team has continued to grow by also welcoming doctoral students from CRAN (Meriem Ben Abdallah then Cyril Brzenczek). We quickly realized the strength of this multidisciplinarity and the need to include skills in both research and IT development. Thus, engineering students from TELECOM Nancy are regularly involved in our projects and allow the development of tools directly resulting from our research. The students’ constant interest in this type of project and in the health sector naturally led us to imagine this new educational format and to offer it to future engineers and doctors at the University of Lorraine.
The objective of the week was to understand neurosciences and neuro-oncology through the digital prism in the form of conferences and workshops around the segmentation of brain tumors and artificial intelligence applied to real databases. anonymized to bring out new questions and new perspectives in the treatment of this type of tumor.
Why is it important for there to be collaboration between the medical world and the digital world?
The border between the two areas is increasingly porous; medicine is now largely digitized. The development of powerful software tools as well as that of Artificial Intelligence constitute a revolution in the follow-up, the treatment, including the surgery and the diagnosis of pathologies (in particular those of the brain).
Doctors need the help provided by digital sciences to increase their knowledge and digital engineers and researchers are increasingly interested in the field of health in order to put their innovations at the service of the common good and give sense to computing.
Today, multidisciplinarity is a force in all areas and most often leads to innovative solutions.
What are the students’ feedback on this week of training?
A survey was carried out among students and their feedback is very positive!
The student-engineer / medical student pairs were particularly appreciated. The complementarity of the profiles resulted in very rich discussions which revealed new questions and new avenues on the treatment of brain tumors. The objective described was achieved and even exceeded from the point of view of the doctors who took part in this adventure.
Will there be a sequel?
In view of this success, the “Neurosciences, Neuro-oncology and Digital” week will undoubtedly be repeated in 2020. New challenges will be offered to students and already new medical specialties (nuclear medicine in particular), still in the field of the brain, wish to be associated with the next edition.
At the same time, as part of the Digital Health project carried by TELECOM Nancy in the Grand Est Region Pact, another thematic week is planned for 2020 this time around video and ENT surgical simulation.
Partners of the Neurosciences, Neuro-oncology and Digital Week:
University of Lorraine, Lorraine INP, IMT Grand Est, Grand Est Region, CNRS, TELECOM Nancy, Nancy Faculty of Medicine, Nancy CHRU, CRAN, Elie Cartan Institute, ARTC, Nancy School of Surgery.
List of speakers:
• Prof. Luc TAILLANDIER, PUPH, CHRU de Nancy (Head and Neck Pole – Neurology Department – Neurooncology unit coordinator), CRAN (BioSIS Dept)
• Dr Marie BLONSKI, CHRU de Nancy (Head and Neck Pole – Neuro-oncology Department), CRAN (BioSIS Dept)
• Dr Fabien RECH, CHRU de Nancy (Head and Neck Department – Neurosurgery Department), CRAN (BioSIS Dept)
• Prof. René ANXIONNAT, PUPH, CHRU de Nancy (Department of Neuroradiology)
• Dr Antoine VERGER, CHRU de Nancy (Department of Nuclear Medicine)
• Dr Celso POUGET, CHRU de Nancy (Pathological Anatomy Department)
• Prof. Jean-Marie MOUREAUX, teacher at TELECOM Nancy (Deputy Director), researcher at CRAN (Dept BioSIS)
• Dr Sophie MÉZIÈRES, teacher at IUT Nancy Charlemagne, researcher at IECL (INRIA BIGS team)
• Cyril BRZENCZEK, doctoral student at CRAN (BioSIS Dept)
• Thomas BAGREL, 1st year apprentice student at TELECOM Nancy
Download the 2019 event flyer.
To read: Article published in Est Républicain on May 21, 2019

Sencity is a collaborative teaching and innovation project around the Internet of Things and the smart city, winner in 2014 of the “Innovative Training” calls from the Lorraine Region.
Supported by TELECOM Nancy joined by 3 other schools of the Collégium Lorraine INP, the Sencity project is funded by the Lorraine Region and the University of Lorraine.
The project consists of a common course, which will also be open to industrialists, where project-based pedagogy is applied, i.e. students will have to design, develop and experiment with new connected services in interaction with citizens and their environment, while acquiring mastery of the technologies used. These innovative services will be based in particular on wireless sensor networks for data collection, smartphones for their visualization, or the engineering of large masses of data for processing.

The experimentation platform is made up of several types of equipment. On the one hand, there are many connected and ubiquitous equipment that can be deployed indoors, at the scale of a building, or outdoors, at the scale of the city, thanks to the instrumentation of an electric car. On the other hand, there is infrastructure equipment used for the storage and processing of the massive data collected.

Algorithms at the heart of urban mobility
UrbanLoop is a concept of intelligent urban mobility , supported by four engineering schools of Lorraine INP : ENSEM , Mines Nancy , ENSG and TELECOM Nancy and co-financed by the Grand Est region as part of the PACTE Grandes Écoles. An unparalleled field of innovation within the University of Lorraine for a hundred student engineers and teacher-researchers.
The project aims to design and test a new type of end-to-end urban transport by individual capsules moving quickly on a network of rails formed of interconnected loops.

UrbanLoop wants to be an intelligent, clean and fast urban transport and at the service of the community.
To do this, it combines many advantages for transport in medium-sized cities:
- reduction in journey times in town (in Nancy: make place Stanislas – plateau de Brabois in less than 4 minutes!): no stopping or connection, constant speed throughout the journey, a specific network (underground, partially buried or overhead), no more parking problems,
- low energy consumption linked to the small size and weight of the capsules,
- use of clean and affordable energies (electric motors) from different sources (renewable energies, local suppliers, shared networks such as “smart grids”, etc.) and aimed at reducing polluting discharges in the city,
- moderate price, accessible to all (a price of one euro per trip allows profitability in 10 years),
- perfect integration into the urban landscape; give the street back to pedestrians,
- etc.
The UrbanLoop project is the subject of a full-scale experiment on the campus of the Nancy-Brabois technopole where the demonstrator is installed. It will consist of a 300-meter-long loop including a station and allowing three capsules to circulate.

TELECOM Nancy participates in particular in the aspects of global simulator, capsule routing algorithm and turnout control system.
The school has actively contributed to the UrbanLoop project since September 2018 with:
- 2 industrial end-of-study projects (7 students):
- Simulation and Proof of Concept of a switch station of the UrbanLoop transport network: realization of a simulation of a switch station of this urban network that can take into account many study parameters (speed, flow, position relative capsules, type and position of sensors, etc.).
- Simulation of the urban transport network by UrbanLoop capsules: design and production of a discrete event simulator of this urban network that can take into account many study parameters (system capacity, probabilistic arrivals of users, network topology, distribution of load, etc.).
- 3 2nd year interdisciplinary research discovery projects (6 students):
- Software Defined Networking for UrbanLoop
- UrbanLoop small-scale prototype measurement and configuration campaign
- CPL communication prototype between a capsule and a switch station
- 4 “Assistant-Engineer” internships for 2nd year students
- UrbanLoop demonstrator: “intelligent” switch station instrumentation; Reliability of the speed control of the demonstrator capsules
- UrbanLoop simulator: Consolidation and extension of the simulator; Interfacing of the global network simulator with that of the switching stations
Find out more:
- Project website:
- Project to follow on social networks: Facebook – LinkedIn
- France 3 Lorraine reports: