
NSI day at TELECOM Nancy

A meeting to promote the digital sector to young people

On June 7, TELECOM Nancy, a major engineering school of the University of Lorraine – Lorraine INP, took part in the first edition of the National “NSI” Day (Numerical and Computer Science) whose objective is to promote training and digital and IT professions. On this occasion, the school welcomed a full 4th grade class from La Malgrange College to its premises to participate in a cybersecurity escape game as well as “Prog4kids” computer programming workshops.

Initiated by around fifteen digital, higher education, research and guidance organizations with the support of three ministries, the first edition of the national day was broken down into more than 100 initiatives organized throughout France by the local digital ecosystems in order to promote studies (including the NSI specialty in high school) and opportunities in the field of IT to young people.

As a school training “digital engineers”, it was important for TELECOM Nancy to participate in this initiative for the development of the attractiveness of a particularly buoyant sector in terms of jobs.
Thanks to the mobilization of its engineering students and its staff and teachers, it was able, in a few weeks, to design and implement a specific program of three hours of awareness / playful discovery of digital technology for a class of 4th of the College of The Malgrange.

The 31 students, accompanied by two teachers, were able to participate in an escape game on the theme of cybersecurity imagined and interpreted by student engineers from the school as well as in introductory workshops in computer programming and robotics using the language Scratch, Arduino boards and Thymio robots .

The middle school students really enjoyed their afternoon at TELECOM Nancy and were able to obtain their cyber escape game “diploma”, the theme of which could be summed up as follows: “Students are in their homes at school, they watch TV on the computer. Suddenly, the television crackles, the image blurs, a cyber-attack takes place! How are the middle school students going to get out of this situation?…”.

Thanks to this initiative, the school hopes to have been able to develop the interest of its young visitors for digital and computer sciences and, who knows, perhaps to arouse some vocations !

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