Pro contract
Documents to download :
TELECOM Nancy “Professionalization contract” brochure
Since 2018, TELECOM Nancy has been offering its engineering students the opportunity to complete their last year of work-study studies within a company as part of a professionalization contract.
An opportunity for companies and for students
On the business side, the pro contract facilitates the recruitment of digital engineers in a tight market in terms of IT skills needs. Companies can also benefit from financial and tax assistance linked to the pro contract system and students are not counted in their workforce.
On the student side , work-study training enriches their CVs with substantial professional experience. It allows them to discover the corporate world and to carry out large-scale projects over an entire year. In addition, students are paid and gain autonomy.
This system also constitutes an ideal framework for a student and a company wishing to continue a collaboration initiated during a 2nd year internship.
Training program in 2 semesters
From September to the end of February , the last year of the TELECOM Nancy engineering course revolves around an in-depth study chosen by the students among the 5 offered:
- Artificial intelligence and massive amounts of data
- Software engineering
- Internet Systems and Security
- Embedded Software
- Company Information Systems
From March: “Engineer” project
The objective of this project is to prepare the professional integration of the students; it is an essential means of comparing the knowledge acquired during the university course with the know-how of companies.
This practical training module is a real opportunity for the student, immersed in an industrial environment, to acquire a corporate culture and to demonstrate that he has the skills and the technical, scientific and technical bases.
human resources necessary to assume his future function as an engineer.
The professionalization contract
The professionalization contract is a work-study contract that combines the acquisition of theoretical knowledge in progress and the acquisition of practical know-how within a company. It aims to obtain a diploma.
concerned public
TELECOM Nancy students who have completed the 2nd year of engineering training under student status.
10 places per year.
Affected companies
Any business subject to funding for continuing vocational training.
Excluded: the State, local authorities and their public administrative establishments
Training modalities
- Diploma prepared : Engineering diploma from TELECOM Nancy
- Duration of training under a professionalization contract : 12 months on a work-study basis including 280 hours at TELECOM Nancy
- Cost for the company : €6,000 for the training + €618 for the student’s tuition fees. Possibility of partial or total support by the OPCO.
- Under 21: at least 65% of the minimum wage
- Between 21 and 25 years old: at least 80% of the minimum wage
- 26 years and over: at least the minimum wage or 85% of the ordinary minimum wage
Training schedule (given as an indication)

For any further information or to send us your professionalization contract offers, please write to: