
Did you know ?

For more than a year, Guillaume ROZIER, engineer graduated in 2020 from TELECOM Nancy and creator of the reference site has been putting his expertise in data science at the service of all.

We already mentioned it here in April 2020 and then here in June, Guillaume ROZIER, double-graduate of TELECOM Nancy, Big Data sector applied to the bio-medical field, and of IMT Business School (engineer-manager), created since the beginning of the 1st containment the covidtracker site. fr which offers multiple tools to monitor the Covid-19 epidemic in France and around the world.

Having become a real benchmark in the field, the site now has several million users (10 million just for the month of April 2021!) And its creator is enjoying quite remarkable media exposure.

Even with this great success, the tools developed by the young data scientist and his team remain open source (that is to say that the computer code is made available to everyone on the internet) and are offered to the general public free of charge, without advertising and without recording personal data.

Quickly my dose of vaccine

Since April 1, the CovidTracker site has offered a new tool called Quickly my dose allowing eligible people to easily and quickly find an appointment to be vaccinated. And it works !

Vite Ma Dose algorithms analyze the Doctolib, Keldoc, Maiia, Ordoclic, MaPharma health platforms to detect free vaccination slots and aggregate them to allow users to find availability by performing a geographic search. The appointment is then booked on the original platform (Doctolib and others) without CovidTracker collecting users’ personal data.

This tool is very popular with, from its launch, no less than 1.5 million Internet users who had consulted it in one week . Same success for its versions in iOS and Android mobile applications which have just been released!
In particular, it allows many relatives to find vaccination appointments for their parents and grandparents who until then may have had difficulty finding a niche on the usual platforms.
The site continues to evolve to offer more and more features and data such as recently, the mention of the type of vaccine offered in the different centers.

A reference tool

In one year, the site has become a real reference for monitoring the epidemic and the vaccination campaign.

Its tools are used by the general public, of course, but also by doctors and hospitals, and its dashboards are used almost daily in the major national media.

CovidTracker is also closely followed by the government with, among other things, the use of CovidTracker graphics during the Prime Minister’s press conferences and exchanges between Guillaume and the Ministry of Health.

A highly publicized initiative

Our graduate is currently the subject of unprecedented media coverage for a young computer engineer!

We can no longer count his TV and radio appearances (Quotidien, TF1, LCI, BFM TV, C à vous, Europe 1, France Info, France Culture …) nor the articles devoted to him in regional, national and international media. (Ouest France, L’Est Républicain, France 3, Le Monde, L’Express, Le Figaro, Liberation, Le Parisien, Les Echos, Repubblica, Welt, …).

TELECOM Nancy is very proud to count Guillaume among its graduates. It perfectly embodies the school’s mission: to train “ digital engineers ”: women and men with solid general engineering training and strong IT expertise, capable of innovating, designing, implementing and managing the digital transformation, essential to the development of knowledge and the global economy.

Student very involved in the life of the school (member of the School Council, participation in the junior company and in many student activities, internship for the reception of candidates for the Mines-Télécom competition, etc.), Guillaume is also reveals to be a engineer very involved in the life of society , putting his skills in computer science and data science at the service of the public good through this remarkable initiative.

A great source of inspiration for all digital talents, to follow on

Well done and thank you!

Artificial intelligence and Big data (data science) at TELECOM Nancy

TELECOM Nancy trains engineers in computer science and digital sciences in three years. It offers 5 specializations, including one dedicated to data analysis, entitled ” Artificial Intelligence and Big Data ” (IAMD) with themes in bio-medical, geosciences or smart cities.

Big Data is a term from English that is used to designate sets of data so large that it is difficult to process them with the usual means. The volume of this data makes it necessary to design specific storage and handling tools.
The skills developed within the framework of the IAMD specialization include: (1) mastery of tools and methods adapted to the valuation of masses of data, and (2) understanding of the data associated with a particular profession and the associated issues.

During their studies, the students of the IAMD specialization work on innovative projects with various partners such as Inria, LORIA, CHU de Nancy, Grand Nancy, Lorraine Fab Living Lab, Total, etc.

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